Fire Extinguisher Testing Service in Sydney
Many businesses choose to take matters into their own hands with regards to fire safety in Sydney. They undertake fire training, appoint fire marshals in each department and secure the equipment that they need and secure everything in place. However, unless this preparatory work is not followed up by sSydney fire extinguisher testing services, businesses face the possibility of discovering that their equipment is defective at the worst possible moment.
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Why Professional Fire Extinguisher Testing is Essential For Sydney Businesses
The right time to test your fire extinguishers is at the point of purchase, which should then be followed by regular testing to afford you and your workforce a degree of protection that is necessary for safe working environments. Even if you never use your fire extinguisher you must request professional servicing to pressure test and refill it every five years.
At Jim’s Fire Safety, we work with businesses throughout Australia that are fortunate to never have had a fire on their premises, but continue to check their equipment, which is what is expected under the prevailing legislation, rules and regulations. You cannot count on an unused fire extinguisher that has not been tested. It is also important to bear in mind that damage and exposure to contaminants can compromise and render them useless.
How Often Should Sydney Fire Extinguishers Be Tested?
A question that our service professionals are asked regularly by customers is how often they should have their fire extinguishers tested. Everything that we do here at Jim’s Fire Safety is informed by the rules that apply in each territory. The AS1851 indicates that all portable and wheeled fire extinguishers should be tested every six months and that pressure testing and refills need to be carried out at least every five years.
Our fire extinguisher service in Sydney affords businesses the flexibility that they want in terms of the testing that they believe is necessary. As such, those that prefer to test every month are accommodated in the same way as those who prefer to stick to the guidelines mentioned above. If you believe that your equipment is somewhat compromised then it is important to seek testing as soon as possible.
Businesses that discover that they need new extinguishers are encouraged to seek professional advice before they spend their money. The reality is that there are different kind of fire extinguishers for different kinds of fires. You want to make sure that the ones you buy are appropriate for the kind of fire hazards that are in your workplace. Investing in the wrong kind of fire extinguisher could make a fire that starts worse, so it is crucial to choose wisely and with the benefit of expert knowledge.
Ensuring Your Compliance With The Sydney Fire Extinguisher Testing Code
At Jim’s Fire Safety, our team stay abreast of all amendments and changes to both the australian standard for fire extinguishers and further fire safety legislation in each territory. This gives our customers a level of confidence in their compliance. We understand that your time is in demand and that your focus is required on your core competencies, which is why our flexible, mobile service is ready to assess your environment and carry out the best fire extinguisher testing in Sydney currently available.
Booking an appointment is easy, but if you want to chat with us about your requirements first, feel free to use the online chat feature here on our site, or give us a call.
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At Jim’s Fire Safety Sydney, we are experts in safety inspection and testing. We offer the fire protection services Sydney businesses need to stay compliant. Our comprehensive service offering combined with our friendly service makes us Sydney’s premier fire safety testing company.
Our services are fully mobile and available throughout Sydney and surrounding areas. We can come to your place of business at a time that suits you best – simply contact us today to get in touch with your local Jim’s Fire Safety technician. Start your journey to compliance today.
Jim’s Fire Safety Testing Sydney
Our technicians are trained in both fire safety testing as well as electrical risk assessment. This means that our versatile team members can provide a range of services to your business.
Take advantage of the following range of Jim’s Fire Safety services Sydney:
- Fire extinguisher testing
- Fire hose reel testing
- Fire blanket testing
- Smoke alarm testing
- Real estate service packages
- Electrical testing and tagging
- RCD testing
- Emergency and exit light testing
- Data management
- Scheduled maintenance
- Risk assessment
Browse through our services here.
If you’re looking for fire equipment testing Sydney services, you’ve come to the right place. Ask us to assess your fire protection devices today. We will check each appliance according to the national standards for safety and keep you informed of the status of each device.
Every employee deserves a safe working environment. At Jim’s Fire Safety Sydney, your safety is our priority. Prevent unnecessary accidents by acting now.
Why should I choose Jim’s Fire Safety Sydney?
Get the fire protection Sydney businesses all need – contact Jim’s Fire Safety today for industry expertise and great service. We are proud to confirm that Jim’s Fire Safety is a signatory to the Fire Protection Association Australia Code of Practice. We are also a Recognised Business under the Fire Protection Association Australia (FPA Australia) Fire Protection Accreditation Scheme (FPAS).
Our technicians are dedicated to serving their community. With qualified advice and friendly service, the choice for your next equipment test is clear. Let us make sure your workplace is safe today – we’re here to help.
Industry Expertise
For comprehensive fire protection services Sydney businesses have no better option. Every fire safety technician goes through a rigorous induction process that ensures knowledge of the relevant industry standards and service guidelines. Our fire safety technicians are working every day – if you have any questions about the frequency of testing or your compliance requirements, our staff members will have an answer for you.
Our fire protection testing Sydney services are conducted in accordance with the AS1851 standard for the routine service of fire protection systems and equipment.
Free Reminder Service
One of the best features included with all of our fire safety testing Sydney services is the free reminder services. After we complete all of our inspection and testing jobs, we provide you with a detailed test report. This report will let you know the results of each part of the test and whether your device received a pass or fail. If your device passed, you will be assigned a re-test date.
This is the easiest fire equipment testing Sydney businesses can get. You don’t have to worry about your next appointment at all. We’ll keep track of your compliance requirements and let you know when your next test is due. We keep a copy of all of our reports on file just in case you misplace yours. This way, you’ll always have proof of your efforts to comply with the national safety standards.
Flexible Fire Protection Services Sydney
Because our technicians are trained in both electrical risk assessment and fire safety services, we can manage the compliance of your whole workplace. You’ll enjoy working with one capable business and we’ll enjoy visiting your property time and time again. Because our team members are fully mobile, you can access fire equipment services in Sydney and its surrounding areas.
We are more than happy to work around your specific requirements – if you have your own health and safety briefing procedures, just ask – we will participate in any safety activities you need to complete before allowing us on your property. If any of your equipment is broken or needs to be replaced, our technicians can recommend a supplier. We’re your go-to team for fire equipment services Sydney. Just ask for our help – we’re waiting for your call.
Fire break-outs are caused by many things such as faulty equipment, sheer human error or carelessness. This can be compounded by the failure to have the right firefighting equipment necessary, leading to injury or loss of lives.
While some people may invest in buying fire safety equipment, one of the reasons they then neglect to have their equipment checked after installation is the expense. At Jim’s Fire Safety, we offer fire extinguisher testing and other fire safety equipment testing in Sydney at an extremely reasonable cost.
A functional fire extinguisher will quickly put out a fire before it has chance to spread and get out of control. One that is defective will be ineffective in the event of a fire, causing you to risk everything. That is why it is important to maintain it in perfect working order and to do that, you must carry out the regular scheduled maintenance, plus other maintenance as required.
Maintaining a Functional Fire Extinguisher
In the event of a fire, fire extinguishers are extremely useful, often managing to contain the flames before they spread. As such, investing in keeping them functional and ready for use whenever they are called upon is guaranteeing your safety and the safety of those around you.
More often than not, fire extinguishers are purchased, mounted on a wall and promptly forgotten about. Most people are even unaware that the extinguishers require servicing, being content to just know that they have one on hand.
However, there’s more to just owning a fire extinguisher, and there are many compelling reasons to maintain your extinguisher in good working order, besides the obvious one of keeping you safe.
Surprising Benefits of Fire Extinguishers
A surprising fact that many are ignorant of is the role fire extinguishers play in keeping the environment healthy. All fires cause pollution by releasing harmful emissions into the air that negatively affect humans. It is the reason more people in a fire die from toxic fumes inhalation rather than from burns.
Fires also release large amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. A fire extinguisher will quickly put out a fire, preventing both the toxic fumes and carbon dioxide from being released.
Apart from the positive effects using a fire extinguisher has on the environment, another surprising benefit is the savings on the use of water. Putting out fires requires tons of water and should you be able to extinguish the flames with an extinguisher before requiring the intervention of a fire engine, you help to conserve water.
We Keep Your Extinguishers Functional
Our certified technicians work to keep your fire extinguishers from becoming non-functional.
A recent survey in Europe by the European Committee of the Manufacturers of Fire Protection Equipment and Fire Fighting Vehicles, EUROFEU, showed that of the 2,600 cases studied, 81.5% of fires were successfully put out using a fire extinguisher.
That is a compelling reason for you to ensure your safety, and that of your establishment, by maintaining your fire extinguisher in good working order. We offer annual and other routine fire extinguisher services in Sydney so that you can rely on your extinguisher when you need it.
Our trained technicians are available to undertake maintenance of your equipment. By using our services, you are assured of professional excellence, friendly customer service, and reasonable rates.
In addition, our vast network of professionally qualified and trained technicians are available throughout Australia and offer a completely mobile service. We come to your premises; you don’t have to bring your extinguisher to us.
We also provide free tracking and reminders of your maintenance schedule, to ensure you remain safety compliant.
Do please give us a call on 131 546, or request an online quote to start you on your way to ensuring your fire safety.
Jim’s Fire Safety specialises in fire safety protection for homes & workplaces around Australia. We offer a variety of services such as smoke alarm testing and fire extinguisher testing to ensure you are safe if a fire does occur. Browse our website further or contact us to learn more.
Jim’s Fire Safety Services Sydney – Call us today on 131 546 or fill in the free quote form for expert services and friendly advice.