Fire Protection Testing

Fire Extinguisher Testing, inspection & Maintenance Services

Fire extinguishers are relatively simple devices to use. However, there are differences between them in terms of the elements contained within and where they should be applied. Fire extinguisher testing is necessary regularly, but it is also worth considering at the point of purchase, or before you make your choices.
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How Specialist Fire Extinguisher Testing Makes a Difference

At Jim’s Fire Safety, we believe in proactive approaches to fire safety. We have been to many different premises where the fire extinguishers in place were unsuitable for the threats that we identified. The goal for any person living or working in a space is to secure extinguishers that will combat any fire when it breaks out. Adding the wrong kind of element to a particular kind of fire can make things worse, so planning before you spend and install is essential.

For example, water is not a good idea to use on oil, electrical or flammable gas fires. The Fire Protection Association has a guide that can be checked to determine which extinguishers are best for particular kinds of fires, but our professionals are also perfectly placed to help you in this regard. We can advise and complete your fire extinguisher inspection service affording you confidence in your environment and the equipment you have to react in the event of a fire.

Some Facts About Fire Extinguisher Testing

Assessing the environment that you are acquiring fire extinguishers for is essential and can benefit from the attention of trained professionals. Identifying fire hazards is very important and you benefit from the presence of an experienced fire safety expert that knows exactly what to look for. They often find things that the untrained eye might never consider as a risk.

Fire extinguisher maintenance is critical in terms of affording you every opportunity to get things under control swiftly. If your equipment does not work when you need it to then the situation can lead to major disruption. Testing your equipment so that you know it will be ready to use, is why we offer fire extinguisher testing services in Sydney as well as testing services in Perth, and elswhere around Australia so we can be ready to test as many extinguishers as we can in accordance with the local code.

Detailed Fire Extinguisher Testing Records and Reports for Compliance Purposes

At Jim’s Fire Safety, we believe in compliance with the Australian standard for fire extinguishers, and do our utmost to furnish customers with the appropriate records and reports so that they have a complete file on their fire safety efforts. Testing is so important, even on extinguishers that have never been fired or used, since they can become obsolete after some years.

Don’t leave anything to chance when it comes to fire safety. Our fire extinguisher service can help you maintain a safe environment to work or live in, so book your appointment today.
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Fire extinguishers are your first point of defence when dealing with a fire hazard. Over 90% of all fires are controlled or extinguished with a portable fire extinguisher. Completing a fire extinguisher check at regular intervals will save lives. Jim’s fire extinguisher testing team will ensure that your fire extinguishers are in working order and provide essential protection against future fire risk.

In Australia, there are several different types of fire extinguishers. Each extinguisher has its own purpose and contains unique contents designed to smother different fires. At Jim’s Fire Safety, our expert fire extinguisher servicing technicians are familiar with each type of extinguisher as well as how often they need to be tested.

All businesses have a responsibility to protect their employees. Providing your staff with maintained fire protection equipment will ensure they have the best chance of avoiding harm in an emergency. Minimise damage to your property and remain compliant with national workplace safety standards. The servicing of fire extinguisher devices must be conducted by an experienced technician.

How often do I need fire extinguisher maintenance?

According to the AS1851, fire extinguisher test and refill services should occur at the following intervals:

  • All portable and wheeled fire extinguishers need to be tested every 6 months.
  • Pressure testing and refills should be carried out at least once every 5 years.

Records of the tests and their dates should be kept on the metal tag attached to each extinguisher. The fire extinguisher tag should only be distributed by a trained individual. Our technicians are supported by our membership with the Fire Protection Association of Australia. As signatories to their code of practice, we ensure our safety testing staff have access to the support and ongoing training they need to provide communities with reliable fire protection services.

Test fire extinguisher devices in your workplace today

During fire extinguisher inspections, Jim’s Fire Safety team will check for cracks or imperfections in the cylinder lining, as well as any corrosion that might indicate the need for a replacement cylinder. Your local fire safety technician will perform thorough inspection and testing procedures according to the current Australian standards. We are a recognised business under the Fire Protection Association Australia (FPA Australia) Fire Protection Accreditation Scheme. We are recognised for inspection and testing of fire protection equipment. Our team members follow a strict checklist when assessing the functionality of each item.

The following items cover the checks our technicians perform before applying fire extinguisher service tags:

  • Accessibility
  • Anti-tamper device
  • Exterior & instruct
  • Service tag
  • External damage
  • External corrosion
  • Outlet hose assembly
  • Pressure indicator
  • Contents full charge
  • Signage
  • Support bracket
  • Discharge nozzle
  • Weight

Ask our team members about compliance. We help businesses across Australia meet their legal obligations and provide safe working environments for employees. If you have any questions about your individual business requirements, get in touch today. We can help you secure your workplace with premium service fire extinguisher safety testing.

For an expert fire extinguisher inspection service, choose Jim’s Fire Safety today. We’ll check every part of your equipment to make sure your team members are protected. We even provide refills for all the different types of extinguishers. No matter what type of fire protection equipment on your property, our team members have the knowledge and experience to get the job done.  We conduct refills of all types of fire extinguishers including dry chemical powder, Co2, water, foam, and wet chemical. If you’re unsure which fire extinguisher you have available on your property, simply check the labelling or ask one of our team members to take a look.

Why should I choose Jim’s Fire Safety for fire extinguisher testing?

Our fire extinguisher testing service includes a data management system that takes care of your extinguisher testing records. Your fire protection testing history will be easily accessible so that you can ensure timely testing and refilling of all your fire extinguishers. We provide each of our clients with a document that details the status of each device we test. Each item on the report corresponds to the fire extinguisher tagging our technicians conduct on site.

By establishing a relationship with Jim’s Fire Safety, you are ensuring compliance for years to come. We can notify you when your next test is due and keep track of any legislative changes so that you don’t have to. By having one team manage your fire extinguisher maintenance, you are making it easier to track your obligations and protect the occupants of your building.

Our fire safety team is made up of the most experienced safety testing technicians in the country. At Jim’s Fire Safety, testing fire extinguishers is our speciality. We are completely up-to-date with Australian fire extinguisher standards. We monitor any changes to policy as well as fire extinguisher contents/usage guidelines.

Jim’s fire safety services are fully mobile and available throughout Australia. We can come to your place of business at a time that suits you. Contact our team and we will introduce you to your local fire safety franchisee. Jim’s Fire Safety technicians are committed to providing quality safety checks and encouraging safe communities. Contact us today to for a free quote or more information about your unique safety testing requirements.


Fire extinguishers are one of the most important tools available in the fight against small fires. Their importance and efficacy cannot be understated: an estimated 90% of fires are stopped using extinguishers before they have the opportunity to grow and deal more destruction. 

Because these are so effective, it is critical that they are properly maintained so that they can be used efficiently at a moment’s notice. But maintenance is not a simple task: it requires vigilant checks from professionals, and those checks must be conducted in accordance with regulations set out by the Australian government.

If you need to provision for fire extinguisher testing but can’t decide on a provider, here’s a deeper look at Jim’s Fire Safety and why we can offer the very best in fire extinguisher maintenance.

Over 150 Years of Combined Experience

Our technicians have a combined 150 years of experience, meaning that we have really seen it all. This means that regardless of the context –we are capable of ensuring your extinguishers are in perfect working order.

With so much experience our skills have been finely tuned, and you can rest assured that we leave no stone unturned when it comes to checking on the status of your equipment. We are thorough and effective, so you and your property and our people as safe as possible from the devastating effects of fire.

Trained and Professional Technicians

Not only is our team of technicians incredibly experienced, they are also talented and have all of the necessary experience to ensure that their fire extinguisher service is carried out perfectly. Every member of our team has the appropriate training and qualifications and has the ability to ensure compliance for many years to come.

In fact, our team members are experts at creating relationships with our clients so that they can notify you of upcoming tests, keep you informed on new changes to legislation and answer any of the questions that you need. This means that we really are a one-stop-shop for all of your extinguisher needs.

Friendly and Effective Service

We know that you’re trusting our team with an incredibly important task and we want you to have absolute peace of mind that you have the tools necessary to keep you safe. This is why we offer friendly and effective service. Our team pride themselves on being approachable and available to answer any of the questions that you may have for them.

You’ll also find that our technicians take care of absolutely everything in their tests. They’ll confirm that your extinguishers are compliant in terms of weight, signage, service tags, accessibility and much more. This means your extinguishers are compliant and ready.

Secure Your Free Quote Today

Are you ready to ensure that your extinguishers are safe and ready to take on any fires that may spring up at any moment? Be sure to visit our website today and use our tool to generate a free quote. This is a simple process, and our team is waiting to answers any questions you may have.

Jim’s Fire Safety specialises in fire safety protection for homes & workplaces around Australia. We offer a variety of services such as smoke alarm testing and fire extinguisher testing to ensure you are safe if a fire does occur. Browse our website further or contact us to learn more.
